Number 1 rule to stay cool: Don't be jealous.
Even if you're feeling jealous, don't show it. Bottle it up. Go back home and take it out on your pillow or on your blog. Keep your cool in front of her. Remember, girls can't stand guys who get jealous.
Number 2 rule to stay cool: Don't be possessive.
She does not belong to you. She belongs to herself. And she's a servant to no one except for herself. She has the right to do whatever she wants. So, don't try to be an asshole all the time. Don't think that she rightfully belongs to you and no one else.
Number 3 rule to stay cool: Guys, cut down on the gossips.
Guys, if you wanna be cool, you've got to follow one simple rule: don't gossip about others, even though it is an inconceivably enjoyable sport. It is morally illegal and does not make you look good. Gossiping will just show that you are a jerk who bitches about people all the time but does not dare to confront that particular victim of your criticisms.
Number 4 rule to stay cool: Girls, stop trying to act like sluts in front of the guys.
Girls, we all know the female gender are slightly more attractive than the other sex because of certain humps, but this does not mean that you should go around shaking your booty in front of testosterone-raging jocks. The sight of it is equivalent to what people watch on Animal Planet when humans observe how baboons shake their flesh to attract the opposite sex.
Number 5 rule to stay cool: Be funny, not sarcastic.
The way to penetrate into the core of a girl's heart is to use humour. It works all the time. Be funny, and tease the girl. But please, you should know that humour is not the same as sarcasm. Excessive usage of sarcasm can irritate people. And trust me, you don't want to get into people's bad books during the first term of your senior years. Sarcasm works well sometimes, but be discreet.
Number 6 rule to stay cool: When you can't do it, admit it.
We all hate stubborn people who insist of their capability despite the fact that they have zero potential. If you realise that you suck at a certain something, say it. Don't be aggressive when people criticise your performance. SMILE. And take it all in. Use humour to cover your embarrassment up. Let your imagination run wild.
Number 7 rule to stay cool: Learn to say 'no'. But compensate for your rejection.
We all want to be nice. But the truth is, you can't be nice to everyone and everything. Saying no is an essential part of growing up. Of course, it's sorta mean to reject others, but you have to know that sometimes you just can't help it, due to certain circumstances. But, if you want to feel less guilty and less like a jerk, make compensations. Like you can help out the person in other ways or just buy gifts for them. Essentially you have to find your own way of licking the other party's wound.
Number 8 rule to stay cool: Be decisive.
Decisiveness is one of the key markers of your character. Learn to make decisions fast. If you take too long, you may just miss out on your chances and what's worse, appear to be one who takes too long to choose over pizza or pasta. If you are given a range of choices, choose fast (but choose wisely). Moreover, you wouldn't want to drag too long because the more you think about it, the more anxious you will get, and the possibility of not approaching the girl increases. There's a reason why the slogans of Nike and Adidas are crafted out like they are. You have to "Just Do It" and think that "Impossible is Nothing".