Racial Harmony Day
It wasn't much of a yoga session, really. Instead of trying to balance on our hands, we ended up playing games which killed about an hour. Ball game, catching game and pass the stick game. Quite amusing. It was actually to give the instructor a break because she was coughing her head off. Sean was, as usual, over-excited. Jia Ming, as usual, emotionless. HAHAHA. Sean pokes Jia Ming and all he went was, "ow. ow. ow. ow. ow." Oh god, someone give him some feelings and face expressions!
Yeah, these are the poses I learnt in the morning:

What great figure! This is called
standing like a tree. Something
along that line.
See the difference? Smile, lady, smile!
The Butterfly
But I find the most fruitful thing I have learnt about yoga (not that it improves our sexualy ability) is that we are working too hard. She mentioned that we humans can actually live till the ripe, ripe , ripe old age of 160 if we take things easy in life, and not to put too much stress on oneself. Everything thing that we do involves what is going on in our mind, body, heart and soul. Today's generation enjoy the most comfortable lives ever, as compared to the older generations when the royalties don't even enjoy the things we have today. But still, are we happy? Are we contented? See, we humans, especially in our generation, tend to chase for materials without thinking whether there is a real need for them. In today's soceity, we constantly seek for the best things on earth, but right from the beginning, we have already lost our sense of direction, we are all walking aimlessly, with no real goal, no real target. And once we fail to manifest our 'dreams', we burden ourselves with unnecessary stress.
We always say that life is hard, life is stressful. But actually, the only thing that is your inner self. It all starts form within. If you begin to wear your body out till there is no more energy left to function, stress will build up. Ever wondered why your body gets tired after a day full of excitement or anxiety? This is because fuel (adrenaline) is produced in your body, but we tend to ignore it. So, in this case, it's like filling a car's tank with oil but not using it. That's where energy gets wasted. That's how you get tired. That is what happens to you if you think too much about things.
Yoga (I am no expert; I am just merely regurgitating what the instructor said) is about aligning your mind, body, soul and heart to head towards the same direction. If one can do so, life won't be that stressful, that tiring. Life's hard, but the problem can be rectified if that inner self of yours is determind to change. For the better, of course.
Oh yeah, there was the Humanities Challenge. It's finally over. More of a sigh of relief for Nelson than me, because honestly speaking, I didn't do much. But Jia Quan and me were out of our freaking minds. We played with the medals like some retards and deprived fagots. HAHAHAHA. But it was hilarious.
Crazy, huh? Very insane.
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