Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pop goes the weasel, so suddenly

It's all so weird, isn't it?

First there was, I mean is, the Iran dispute. It involved everyone in Iran, and also strangers from across the globe. People start wearing green t-shirts, or green pants, or green armband, or pin on green ribbons. The atmosphere in Iran was filled with so much tension that no one would expect either party to give in to the other. It seemed like it will go on forever, until..

King of Pop, Michael Jackson died so suddenly.

Although I am not a MJ fan and is very freaked out by his natural whiteness, his death came too sudden. It just doesn't see real. I woke up in that fateful morning, hoping to hear good news that Federer has triumphed another opponent, but bamn, my brother told me MJ is dead. I went like, "Oh really? Ouch, it must have hurt." I didn't consider the impact of his death until I watched the news and withnessed millions of people worldwide moonwalking to his music. It was magical. Never in my life have I seen something like that. The world is actualyl going crazy over a pop singer. Some people say, he's not any pop singer you can easily find on street, he's KING OF POP. Mind you, king. Some even say he has reinvented music videos entirely, claiming he was revolutionizer, an inventor, a maker, a legend, an unforgotten, the king. Now that he's dead, I guess it's not very nice to criticize his life and mimicks eh? Let's just say he got confused about making decisions after fame hit him. It must have hit him REAL hard.

The point is, so much is going on these days. First Iran, now MJ. What can we expect tomorrow, or the day after, or next month, or next year, or next decade? We can't. In fact, so much of these things don't lie in our hands. You won't know whether swine flu will hit you. You never know until you start sneezing and snorting simultaneously. Life is so unpredictable. Life is so damn unpredictable. And I have no clue whether that's good or bad.