Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Starting Line

Well, I've finally revived my blog. There is a reason why I name it "My New Lease of Life". I thought maybe, if I create a blog, and when people start reading how I feel about everything and anything, probably things will change. I mean, my life will change, hopefully for the better. Another reason is because I am just too lazy to write in my diary.

I have considered very carefully whether I should set up my blog. Yes? No? It's a choice I have to make. At one end of the spectrum, I NEED to express my thoughts and feelings. At the other end, I thought a blog was a rather potent medium of truth and revelation, which in my opinion, is not an entirely good thing because I believe that truth hurts. Seems like I have overcome my apprehension and decided to free myself from a leash that was never there. I should at least listen to my heart, and not totally to my mind. So, here I am, giving myself this opportunity to voice my thoughts.

There are a lot of things that have been going through my minds this term, especially when the third school term is always, without fail, fast-paced and exceptionally hectic. There will be competitions, tons and tons of homework, and of course stress from exams, peers, family, teachers, school, society, you name it. Stress can originate from practically everything and anything. I can't say that I am stressed, but it is just that I am getting tired of things.

I don't know much about the education system in other countries, but here in Singapore, we students are not leading a comfortable life. Societal pressure is constantly pushing the younger generation to strive and toil and bleed and sweat to get to the top-est peak in soceity. Honestly, I am rather confused or clueless of where I am heading. Figuratively. Is there a route I can follow? Do I get to make my own decisions? What will I be when I grow up? These are some just questions that have been buzzing irritatingly in my head. So literature really does make people think differently and unconventionally.

It has been confirmed that Siheng will be the next cross country captain. I admire him as a runner, a team player a champion. And now, adding on to the list (hopefully), will be an outstanding leader. I have faith in him, trust him with every drop of blood I can offer. He's definitely the only and best candidate for the leadership position. Treat me as a dreamer, but I daresay I have fantasized about being the captain of the team. However, it's still nothing more than a dream, a fantasy. At least I thought I should fight for the vice-captain role. When I thought I should settle for the assistant leadership role, I have doubts about myself. Unlike most of the members in the cross country team, I have not been training much. Indeed, it was my injury that pulled me down, deprived me of the chance to compete for the school and restrained my abilities. I guess it was the lack of care (on my part) for my knees while I was still under Ram. This season has gone pretty quickly, but hey, there's still next year, and the year after the next, and the year after that... ...

Whatever the case, I thought it is only fair to give myself the opportunity to come out of my injury and rise to the occasion for the next cross and track season.

P.S. I shall not publicize this blog. But if this blog is somehow found out, I guess it's all destiny. Come to think of it, I am the one who actually creates my own destiny.